Hello, This is Eva!


Welcome to my site! I am an eye doctor but built our own house without employing a contractor. In other words, I was the contractor! 🙂 That’s me in the middle.

I enjoyed my new job, being the contractor of our own house. Yes, with all the stress dealing with the labor force, structures, design, color and even money, there is joy and fulfillment in building your own house. It was no easy feat. But I was mentally prepared for mistakes.

I learned a lot during the construction of my house that I want to share them with you. So you can brave your way into building your own roof.

” To a man’s heart it brings gladness to eat the figs from his own trees and the grapes of his own vines. To own his own domicile and to have it a place he is proud to care for, putteth confidence in his heart and greater effort behind all his endeavours. Therefore, do I recommend that every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his”  – The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Stay tuned. I will be posting the construction tidbits next time. I hope you will visit my blog. See you!

P.S. I would like to thank my fellow Ridgefield mom, Valerie Caulin, for helping me set up this blog. She is the inspiration and the mover. Also to fellow mom, Mary Ann Sudaria for the constant company in many activities. Lastly, to Ms. Zyrian, our acting Executive Director, for supporting this blogging session.

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